Sunday 19 December 2010

Moist Butter Cake

Crazing for a butter cake now. Since I have all the ingredients with me, I plan to bake one today.
*excited cos this is my first butter cake*

Recipe (adapted from here)

195g plain flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
140g butter, softened
210g sugar
1 large egg, plus one large egg yolk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
12 tbsp whole milk

  1. Preheat oven to 190°C.
  2. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl.
  3. Using a mixer on medium speed, beat the butter and sugar until fluffy for about 2 minutes (I'm using a hand mixer and it only has one speed, so I take about 5 minutes for this step).
  4. Beat in egg, egg yolk and vanilla until well-combined (I use a metal spoon to do so).
  5. On low speed, add the flour mixture in 3 parts, alternating with milk (I use a sieve to add in the flour and stir using a metal spoon - cos I stop using the hand mixer after step 3). 
  6. Switch mixer to medium and beat for 10-15 seconds, just until batter appears uniform (I use a metal spoon to stir it). 
  7. Pour batter into a prepared baking tin and smooth the top with a spatula (I smooth the top with the back of the metal spoon).
  8. Bake for about 40 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean (I bake it for 33 minutes).
  9. Leave to rest in pan for 5 minutes before serving (I leave it there on the rack to cool down for 15 minutes before popping it out from the baking tin and into my mouth).

 The butter cake batter before going into the oven

*sorry, only snapped 2 pics cos busy with the cleaning and clearing process*

I share this cake with my hubby and flatmate. 
We enjoy eating it with a cup of Latte in the cold winter day. 
As the snow is here again today, anything hot will be just nice and soothing for our stomach now