Tuesday 13 July 2010

St Mungo's Church

Backdated to 19th June 2010

Went to St Mungo's church for the first time. It takes us 20 mins to reach the church on foot. The church is beautiful but only a few people attending the mass service (mostly old people). Only a lady sings for the choir (I miss the big choir group in Malaysia). The songs are mostly high pitched (quite hard to sing esp for guys). The mass is sweet and short (only 35 mins)--- my brother Vincent will love the mass here.   

For the first time, I don't sweat in the church (normally I will start sweating when I enter the churches in Malaysia due to the heat and warmth). I start to love the church here.

Overall, I'm amazed with its architectures. My eyes are busy observing the designs in the church whenever I wait for the mass to start.

There are also many confession rooms around the corners (hint: should go to confession frequently). I wonder what does it look like inside the confession room (can't take pic cos we are having 'serious' dialogue inside ^v^).

Masses in St Mungo's Church
Saturday Vigil Mass  : 6pm
Sunday                     : 10am, 12pm, 7pm
Weekdays                : 10am, 12.15pm, 6pm

Website: www.saintmungo.org